EnFinCap – entrepreneurship and financial capacity for women
Room for strengthening business knowledge of micro-entrepreneurs
Young professionals lack access to informal, easily accessible training opportunities, digital skills, knowledge of accounting, investments, banking services, and products, as well as long-term financial planning. The result: they lack the courage to start their own businesses. This is exactly what the EnFinCap project aims to counteract: consolidating knowledge content on economic know-how and entrepreneurial skills in the form of micro-learning units and presenting them via an e-learning platform enable self-directed, location-independent, and time-independent learning. The goal: to empower and strengthen entrepreneurs through knowledge. For a secure future for themselves and their closest circle. And to strengthen the courage to grow (young) businesses.

About EnFinCap: All information about the project
Project contents
During the project period from November 2021 to May 2023, in collaboration with five project partners from three different countries, we developed:
- An inventory and analysis of existing curricula and previously developed training materials in the partner countries, as well as the skills and knowledge gaps of micro-entrepreneurs
- Presentation of learning content via an e-learning platform
- A learning path with micro-learning units for targeted transmission of necessary knowledge
- An e-textbook
Target group
The EnFinCap project targeted micro-entrepreneurs in the health and beauty industry.
Project goals
The goal of the EnFinCap project was to provide micro-entrepreneurs in the health and beauty industry with economic know-how and entrepreneurial skills. So, they can create a secure future for themselves and their families.
Achieving more together
EnFinCap was made possible through Erasmus+ funding. Partners in the implementation were:
- International Institute for Implementing Sustainable Development (Slovenia)
- Innovation Hive (Greece)
- Larissa Chamber of Commerce (Greece)
- Maribor Regional Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship (Slovenia)
- DAYNA–H Ltd. (Bulgaria)
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