
Room for individual and economic growth

The acquisition of new professional skills and the deepening of existing personal skills allow people and companies to grow in equal measure. On an individual level, qualifications stand for extended career opportunities and job security. For companies, they promote competitiveness, productivity and innovation. After all, they create the qualified workforce that forms the backbone of the economy.

Qualifizierung - ipcenter

Our current projects in the field of “Qualification”

Logo von ECDL

Job-seeking adults are supported in their professional development by expanding and certifying their digital skills.

Logo SAP im ipcenter

Job-seeking adults are supported in acquiring SAP skills – confirmed by certificates – to increase their chances on the job market.

ipmed - ipcenter

IPMED 2GO, a browser-based training tool, helps learners to acquire or reinforce medical terminology.

Das Logo des internationalen Projekts ActSEnt

Together with international project partners, we promote social entrepreneurship among people under 30 to drive regional and sustainable development

Das Logo zum Projekt Digital Finance 4 Youth - DF4Y

Together with international project partners, we promote the financial skills of young people and support those who work with them.

Logo zum Projekt Go-ViSE!

Together with international project partners, we strengthen young social entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurial skills by providing knowledge and tools for digital tools.

Facts & Figures


Qualification means achieving an improvement in skills and competencies through targeted measures. A qualification helps people to build up relevant knowledge and apply it in a specific (professional) area through concrete training units. After completing a qualification, graduates are able to apply the skills they have acquired and benefit from them in their professional and private careers.

Qualifications enable people to maximize their career opportunities and promote their personal development. Through expertise and specific skills, people can advance their careers, adapt to changes, increase their value in the labour market, and discover new interests. Because: Graduates of a qualification are given new perspectives by the newly acquired and applicable knowledge. A qualification confirms the presence of specific skills and competencies that significantly improve chances in the job market and career advancement in a sustainable way.

Vocational qualification involves enhancing professional performance through improved skills and competencies. With a focus on career advancement, relevant knowledge is built in various areas. Depending on the vocational qualification, at ipcenter, skills such as computer proficiency are acquired through ECDL projects, training in navigating SAP enterprise software is provided, or social competence is strengthened through training for competent interaction with customers in the professional environment.

Continuing education is a broad term that encompasses various educational activities. A qualification is an educational activity because it enables the acquisition of specific skills. Therefore, every qualification is also a form of continuing education.

IT courses offered at the ipcenter in Vienna are ECDL and SAP courses. ECDL courses enable course graduates to work confidently with computers. ECDL participants receive the qualification to work with basic office programs and the ability to navigate in offline and online environments. With the SAP qualification, course graduates are qualified to work competently in various areas of SAP business software.