
Room for older workers (55+) in the modern labour market

In a modern, fast-paced work world full of innovation and technological advancements, older workers are often left behind – and with them their valuable expertise and workforce. The IntegrAGE project counteracts this and aims to integrate people over the age of 55 into the labour market, strengthen their resilience and use their experience – so that everyone, young or old, has and can keep a job.

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About IntegrAGE: All information about the project

Irene Castillo als Speakerin auf der IntegrAGE opening conference

Project content

During the project period from 01/2024 to 06/2026, we will develop the following with 14 project partners:

  • Regionally adapted age management strategies
  • Training concepts for age management in companies
  • An app to raise awareness of mental health among employees over the age of 55
  • Workshops, online learning modules, and mentoring programs for employees aged 55 and over

Target audience

The IntegrAGE project is aimed at:

  • Employees over the age of 55
  • Regional and local public authorities, such as the labour market service
  • Chambers of commerce and business consultancies
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Educational and training centres, schools, and universities

Project goals

IntegrAGE is made possible through an 80% funding of the 2,319,547 Euro project budget from the Interreg Danube Region Programme. Implementation partners are:

  • BSC Kranj (Slovenia)
  • CASPEV (Serbia)
  • SLAP (Hungary)
  • Schirrmacher Group (Germany)
  • HICS – The Human Innovation Group (Hungary)
  • BCCI – Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
  • BIOS – Business Incubator (Hungary)
  • CCIS – Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Serbia)
  • Pannon Novum (Hungary)
  • UJEP (Czech Republic)
  • Trexima (Slovakia)
  • RA USK (Bulgaria)
  • Jasa Association (Slovenia)
  • ICUK – Innovation Centre of the Usti Region (Czech Republic)

Read more about the project on the official website of Interreg Danube Region

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Contact Person

Foto von ipcenter Mitarbeiterin Irene Castillo Abad

Irene Castillo, BA MBA

International Projects